Thursday, July 25, 2024

Amtrak to see Beth

 In late April I took an Amtrak train to visit a long time friend in Arizona. About a 24 hour ride. Beth and I were working at the same company 40 years ago. She moved to Arizona for a job and we've stayed in touch. Wilma and I visited four years ago and it was time to visit again. This time its just me.

Wilma and I had traveled in Coach before. This time I paid more to try out a Roomette. Pricey but more creature comforts and the food in the Dining Car comes with it. I found that the ability to lie flat helps sleeping a lot. 

Beth lives in Prescott. We'd start the mornings with coffee on her deck with a view. I love the dry air (as compared to Kansas). She drove me around to see the sights. That included coffee houses and a tap house. They had a bluegrass festival that weekend, too. Then on to Sedona. I wanted to see what everyone seems to know and like about that part of Arizona. 
The train has a stop in Albuquerque, both coming and going. The train refuels and takes care of other logistics. I sketched and almost missed the re-board call on the return trip.

This page shows some trip logistics. This is my fourth overnight Amtrak trip but the first one I shaved on. I wanted to see how hard it was to use a razor on a moving train. It's hard to sketch on the train so I thought it would be tough to shave, but it was fine.

I met a few interesting people, too. Dining room talk is always a good mixer. On my return, my Kansas City stop was scheduled for about 7 a.m.  I went down for breakfast and met Liz. It proved to be my lucky day. We talked until the staff kicked us out to end serving breakfast. We've been staying in touch ever since. 

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