Saturday, April 1, 2023

Celebrate Clumsy

 Before things green up is the best time to do trail work. We needed to scope out trail conditions of part of our Landon Trail south of Overbrook. I was checking out a culvert and fell, hyperextending my wrist. Got the job done but need to baby my wrist for a few days. This drainage is not a real creek. It's just run-off from a pasture, so it will be dry most of the year. Cattle can use it to cross between pastures. The railroad built this in 1930 and it's still rock solid. 

When I sketch, I don't use pencil first. "Lead Free". It's faster but riskier. I concentrated drawing the hand so much that by the time I was drawing the wrist, I was getting sloppy and not checking my proportions often enough. Thus the long skinny arm. I still like lead free. Every time I look at this it reinforces the idea that I need to stay aware of proportions the whole time I'm sketching. This was drawn with my long Lamy fountain pen. I sure like that pen!

Anyway, it was still fun to sketch it. When the quick-med place put on the brace I immediately knew I had to sketch it. I'm right handed so the sketching subject could just sit there as I sketched. I liked the straps and grommets, too. It gives me a gothic bowler rock singer look. 


Vicky Wilbeck said...

I really like your work. I see that a lot of artists use fountain pens. I have never used one before. Why fountain over a regular Pitt pen? Do they scratch the paper? Have a great weekend.

john.p said...

Nothing wrong with the Pitt pen! It will not hinder you. Fountain pens have a tactile nuance that is pleasant. Not everyone agrees (my mom, for example) but us die hards love them. It can be smoother and the ink simply flow. A fiber point is never as smooth. You should try one and see. Lamy, TWSBI and Pilot all make good pens in the lower price range.