Thursday, January 7, 2016

Back On Task

It's happened more than once in my creative pursuits. First: brainstorm a new big project. Second: plan all the details and get in an excited pitch. Third: get a great start. Then: hit a brick wall and everything stops. Then I set there, like the morning after a night of heavy drinking (so I've been told) and ask myself - what just happened? Why can't I move?

Project: a family memory journal for my mom (dad is deceased). My three siblings will help. I bound the journal from scratch. I made it through about half of the illustrating of our childhood. When I'm done I'll rotate it to my siblings and they can write in details and memories of childhood through our day of marriage. But I came to a stop. Dead in the water! Don't know why. I sabotaged myself. It's been on the "To Do" list for a few months now. BUT I'M BACK ON IT NOW!

What I want to know is how does this happen?! It makes now sense. I love my mom and I WANT my mom to have this. My siblings are all on board and my sister will even help with some illustrations. My mom's not getting younger. I know she'll love it. So how does such a project come to a halt? This is illogical! I've run into this in my other hobbies, too. I've heard woodcarvers complain of it. Wilma's quilting projects can get this way, too. If anyone can explain it please do!


Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

I have no solutions, only to offer that it happens to me too. I make a daily entry in my journal and that is pretty much a habit, but I have more than one started painting gathering dust on my table, it's like I get to a certain point and I lose my vision and the path forward isn't clear and I stop. In the past I've actually finished some of these paintings but the reality is, that some of them ended up in my scrap paper box, never to be looked at again. I hope someone has some incite for you and me on this.

Donn said...

Good for you, John. Hope you can stick to it. Nice start.

Kate (Cathy Johnson) said...

I think when we have such an emotional investment it can be daunting. We want it to be so special, and we put pressure on ourselves...I'm glad yo're back to it, though, it WILL be a treasure.

Marva said...

I was totally blocked and started re-reading The Artist's Way, helped a lot! Did a blog post on it...