Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Old Soldier

Just had my regular eye checkup. While waiting in the exam chair, waiting for the doctor and for the eye drops to do their magic, I noticed this plain-Jane instrument to the side. It won't be required for my visit but it piques my interest. Doc is a very thorough doctor who keeps up to date on the medicinal art and equipment used in the care of the eyes. He keeps updating his equipment and it's not rare to see a new piece show up between visits. This simple black instrument looks to have quite a few years on it. The style of the knobs, the color and aesthetic, etc.  So, this old soldier must do something better than it's newer counterparts.

So I ask, and, sure enough, this old soldier does a better job measuring the curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea. It's a manual keratometer. He feels it does this job better than the newer automatic versions. 

I can't help but see this as a metaphor that growing old may show some out-of-date visual style, yet when it comes down to function, we may still be superior in some ways.